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Watchlist - Movies, TV, Books, Music: Notion Template

29 ratings
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Watchlist - Movies, TV, Books, Music: Notion Template

29 ratings

Keep record of your media watchlist: movies, tv shows, books, and music

Seem to forget what movies you watched and loved? TV shows you'd want to recommend to others? Have a growing list of watch recommendations? Use this Notion template to...

  • Build your Movie Watchlist, Television Watch List, Book Watchlist, and Music Album Listen-list
    • List the media you watch, read or listen to
    • Add details like genre, year, first watch date, and watch count
    • Rate each media with a star rating
  • Per media, build a Next Up Watchlist of movies, tv shows, book, and music to intake in the future


  • Is this Notion template customizable?
    Yes! Once you purchase and duplicate this template for your personal Notion, it is yours to change up and expand upon.
  • How do I use this template?
    Once you purchase and duplicate this template for your personal Notion, there are instructions on how to fill in your details.
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You'll get a link to this Notion template that you can duplicate into your personal Notion. You'll get instructions as well to help you fill in your content.

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